pink and lavender flowers, image by Manfred Richter, on Pixabay
My Prayer
Forgive me when I fail to see
how much You love and care for me.
Remind me, Lord, to call Your name
Your precious promises to claim.
When I’m too wrapped up in my life
and fail to see another’s strife,
remind me, Lord, that others weep.
Your Word commands I feed Your sheep.
When I can’t hear Your quiet voice,
that distance isn’t by your choice.
You’d not desert Your child, I know.
Revive me when my spirit’s low.
When I obsess and doubts run wild,
remind me that I am Your child.
I’m free to give those fears to You.
Allay them, please, and peace renew.
For every day I fail to say,
“I thank You, God, for each sun’s ray,”
Forgive me and remind me, please,
to spend more time upon my knees.
When long-past failures tease and taunt
and old transgressions jeer and haunt,
assure me you forgave me then
when I repented of each sin.
Remind me that Your ways are right,
and in them help me to delight.
Forgive me, Father, when I stray.
Direct me when I lose my way.
The greatest gift, salvation sweet,
though undeserved, is mine. I’ll meet
the Father and His precious Son
in Heaven when my race is run.

Janice Canerdy is a retired high-school English teacher from Potts Camp,
Mississippi. She especially enjoys rhymed, metered poetry and mourns its
near-demise in some circles. Her writings have appeared in numerous
publications, including Wild Violet, The Road Not Taken, Bitterroot, Lighten Up
Online, Society of Classical Poets, The Saturday Evening Post, Better Than
Starbucks,and in anthologies published by the Mississippi Poetry Society,
the National Federation of State Poetry Societies, Whispering Angel Books,
and Quill Books. She is the author of Expressions of Faith, published by
Christian Faith Publishing.