abstract, yellow and red, image by Edith Lüthi, on Pixabay, modified
Dear readers, contributors, and visitors,
Greetings to you! It is such an honor to present the wonderful, creative works
of those who have contributed to this issue of Spirit Fire Review. I'm touched
by the depth of feeling, the pathos and joy, amazing words that cut right to the
heart of a matter, yet also can soothe, offer direction, and encourage those of
us along the way.
This world has such a need for truth, a need for love, a need for hope. Jesus
said, "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold."
(Matthew 24:12) Sounds like the evening news, doesn't it? It's easy to feel
discouraged when we hear of violence, hate, cruelty.
But we must not let our love grow cold. The Bible tells us to "...walk in the way
of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us..." (from Ephesians 5:2)
And, with God's help, we can. We are called to love, we are called to hope.
May your love and hope be strengthened as you join us in this issue of Spirit Fire
Review. May your faith be encouraged and, yes, even your joy.
Table of Contents, AUGUST 2022 Issue of Spirit Fire Review: