Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music
General Guidelines
Send us poetry, non-fiction, artwork, music, your personal experience
or testimony about your relationship with the Lord – submissions that
glorify God. They don't have to be specifically about God (though they certainly can be). Works that express joy, grief, works about nature,
suffering, searching are all welcome, but we look for that spark of hope
that reminds us, and others, that God is and that He cares.
By submitting your work to Spirit Fire Review, you agree to one-time-
use electronic rights. Rights to all creative work revert to the author
after publication. Your work will remain in our archive.
We also consider previously published works, but please notify us if a piece has been published previously---and, if so, where and when it was published.
Please send all submissions to: SpiritFireReview2@gmail.com
Send your work in the body of the email or as an attachment. We do
not accept submissions through the postal mail. Please include your
name, email address, and a short bio in the body of the email. Feel
free to include one link to your website or blog. Do include a portrait
photo. Cover letters are welcome. Simultaneous submissions okay.
No submission fee. We are unable to offer payment at this time.
We will promote you and your work on social media, so be sure
to connect. We nominate for Best of the Net and Pushcart Awards.
We read and respond on a rolling basis. We reserve the right to
make minor editorial changes, e.g., for spelling and grammar.
We do not publish fiction. And we do not publish dark content
unless it concludes in light.
We are seeking fresh, original poetry that uplifts, touches, encourages, portrays beauty, or brings revelation or insight. Surprise and delight us
with your words. Please submit 1-5 poems. Any length, any style. All
poetic forms are welcome.
Creative Nonfiction and Essays:
Please send one creative nonfiction piece or essay at a time. No fiction. True narratives based on the theme of this journal. Please
read our published essays to see what we like. Length: up to
2,500 words.
Photography and Artwork:
Submit up to five images as an attachment. Be sure to include titles
for your images, a bio, and/or an artist statement.
To learn more about what we look for, get familiar with the journal, and check out our About page.
You are invited!