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A Call to Love by Elizabeth Brooks: "Morning, Noon and Infinite"

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Morning, Noon and Infinite

Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen by you. Isaiah 60:1-2 ESV

Some days there are interruptions and joy could be thwarted by events and circumstance. The challenge then for me, is to recognize inaction and disobedience (hesitance). I reflect and renew my mind knowing who I am. I recommit readily to not grieve the Holy Spirit, my guide. The day could possibly be in full bloom by the time of that revelation. Paths are crossed. I missed opportunities to shed His light. Years ago, one of my managers in the workplace asked me about my professional goals and my answer to her was “I am on assignment.” I was actually scratching my head when I responded. I had no idea what that meant and why I said it. That conversation did not continue any further. Much later, I understood in my spirit, what being on assignment meant. And I embrace that knowledge with a responsibility to share God’s love; my experience of my faith; my spiritual growth and the love and ultimate sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some people do not understand my energy. In my most recent past I would try to tone my energy down. I learned so many of life’s lessons for such a time as this. I realize we all have different gifts and are on different assignments. I have work to do and no one can take my joy away. We all bring different gifts to the table. I ask God to lead me to the people he wants to rise up today. It is not about me, Lord!

As a child, many times my father told me “You walk with alacrity,” and I did not know what he meant. One day I asked and he explained, “Like you have something important to do and somewhere to go.” That little girl full of passion was in training, looking for a purpose, knowing there was something more. I have always talked to strangers and I found a way to make others listen face-to-face- to what I have to say now; even if it is an audience of one, in the street, park or parking lot. I am always escorting people from one point to the other. I share my poetry that is inspired by the Lord and I share my story*. I ask professors to allow me to share my poetry in their classrooms. My passion and my ability to memorize my work surprises everyone. They usually ask “How is that possible?” I let them know it is a gift from God. I inform them that in daily prayer, I ask God to grant me excellent memory recall, short term and long term because I have a lot of work to do for His glory. Throughout my entire life it has been difficult for me to ask for anything. I was the contented child. Now I ask boldly and I receive. Students have invited me to perform at their sorority functions and others at cultural events, and women’s ministries; I also performed at the final presidential debate watch party, Hillary Clinton’s camp. I keep planting seeds that I know you my friends will water and vice versa.

The first poem I remember writing as a child was “A Song for Jesus.” Throughout my day I smile to myself and I ask my Holy Father, “Father why do you love me so much?” And I pray to Him, giving thanks for my talents, gifts and characteristics and for protecting me, His delinquent know-it-all child. I thank Him for Jesus. Oh what a love affair! My spirit is in constant joy. Throughout the day I acknowledge Him and confess my love to Him. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105(KJV) I acknowledge His constant presence in my life as my provider and protector. Even with fear I am compelled to pray, Father send me, there is so much work to be done for Your glory.

A gleam of light with passion and purpose has erupted whether sun, rain or storm. I see you, Lord! I hear your call. You are calling us, Lord. It is inconceivable the depths you go to, to stir our spirit, our souls; to capture our imagination and our emotions. Your promise is in the sweet fragrance of a flower, all of nature; a pinch of pungent rotting ripe fruit that is tossed. You are beautiful, loving and are everywhere. I see you in the beauty and joy of text on paper and in the sweat on the brow of a brother or sister. I see the innocence and hope of our children in school yards or leaving school with school bags. I see your reflection in the strength and dignity of people without homes - our veterans. I look them in the eye and acknowledge them. Lord, your children are not invisible. I am very clear whether I experience trauma or create my drama, my job in life is to engage Your children with a smile, a nod, a knowing look. No matter where I am, I offer common decency, love and courtesy. I give a hand, share and say a kind word. Interestingly enough, today I heard a politician say. “If everything you think about is, what is in it for me? Then you are a loser.” Father God, in the middle of all of our resentments, disappointments and observations You give us an opportunity daily to experience Your magnificence and the power of Your love.

Then dusk comes and You ignite the sky for all of us, oppressors and the oppressed; moaning and groaning in many voices, different languages. It is like having candles on a birthday cake or fireworks and piñatas from heaven, bursting with love, joy and gladness, for all of us. I inhale deeply and get that fully charged aroma of Your sweet fragrance and a Holy kiss. With gratitude, I consume the breath of life again and again, infinite. I look and listen, always attuned to moods around and modes as You design my encounters. Oh Holy Father, send me!

You are my breath

You are my spirit

You are my soul!


Elizabeth Brooks

Elizabeth P. Brooks is originally from Trinidad and Tobago and now calls Tampa Bay home. She is deeply concerned about human dignity and the need for social justice. She is outgoing, loves the sound of laughter and the power of the word. She is a performance poet and has had several poems and two non-fiction essays published in Indiana Voice Journal. She is the author of a recently published chapbook ,“You May Applaud Now and other poems” and she is currently working on a novel and many other projects. Elizabeth is a reference librarian at Saint Leo University in Dade City, Fla., and volunteers as an adult literacy tutor in Tampa. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post. Elizabeth writes the column "A Call to Love" for Spirit Fire Review. You can visit Elizabeth at her Facebook page here: Elizabeth Brooks

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