Attitude and Atmosphere: personal narrative by Janine Pickett
Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music
Testimony/Essay: "A Way in the Wilderness"
A Call to Love: "A Mustard Seed" by Elizabeth Brooks
An Essay by JD DeHart: "Incorporating the Bible as Literature"
Testimony/Essay by Stacey Louiso: "The Remnant -Women Wielding Swords"
Essay by Don Lane: "A Gift of the Spirit and a Software App"
An Essay by Donal Mahoney: "Call a Priest, My Father Said"
Testimony/Essay by Stacey Louiso: “Singing From Hallelujah to Hallelujah”
Testimony/Essay by Diane Quick-Machaby: "Tragic Accident With A Happy Ending"
Essay by Don Lane: "Who God Created You to Be"
My Testimonial by Don Lane
A Call to Love by Elizabeth Brooks: "Rejection"
Testimony by Ernie Jones: "The Midnight Call"
A Memoir by Elizabeth Brooks: "An Empty Chair at the Table"
A Testimony by Janine Pickett: " When God Sent His Butterflies"
Essay by Lynda McKinney Lambert: "Prologue: in which I Knit a Life Back Together"
Essay By Elizabeth Brooks: "Celebrating Life and Human Dignity: A Call to Love"