The miles your feet have traveled
cannot be erased by any tool;
the worlds
your eyes watched
cannot be wiped away;
the stories your ears have heard
you will share with others;
the hearts you have touched
will remain forever memories,
as will the compliments you have paid.
The smiles you have shared
will shine in memories to come,
and everything you've done,
will be the person you leave behind.
Don't count the good deeds you've done;
do them because it's who you are,
and because they're what you'll leave behind.

I was born and raised in Mexico and came to the United States at almost fifteen. I spoke no English.
While recuperating from a work injury and stroke, I resumed a Master’s degree and completed it from Grand Canyon University. I’d picked up writing again during my initial recovery. Some poems have been published in the Altadena Poetry Review: Anthology 2015, Hometown Pasadena, Silver Birch Press, and Somos en Escrito.