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A Poem by Mary Missouri: "The Answers"


The Answers

When I received the message that she had passed away,

A sudden drift of sadness filled my soul

With extreme grief, regret and dismay.

As I walked into the sanctuary, I saw her lying there

Peacefully sleeping within her casket

Adorned with beautiful attire.

As I looked down at her…dressed in white so pure,

And a soft smile on her peaceful face,

I whispered I love you, rest assure.

This is the first time I didn’t receive a response

Of hearing her say cheerfully: “I love you, too.”

There were cold moments of silence.

As I squeezed her cold-folded hand, and touched her cold-firm face

A reality came over me that she’s gone forever

As she’s rest in God’s embrace.

Kneeled down on bended knees

I ask You, Lord, for answers,

And to help me see…

What I could have done and what could have been

To lengthen her days here on earth,

And knowing I am her kin?

Could I have called her while she could answer?

Could I have visited her while she could talk?

Or held her hand during her cancer?

Could I have cooked her favorite meal and favorite treats?

Could I have answered her pleas and questions?

Or played her favorite song with a beat?

Could I have been there to wash her face and hands?

Could I have spoken encouraging words?

Or help her balance and stand?

Could I have just sat with her, and watched her as she slept?

Could I have straightened and fluffed her pillows?

Or been there as she wept?

Could I have read her bible to her, and recite her special verse?

Could I have wiped her sweating brow?

Or serve refreshments as she thirst?

Could I have read a sweet sounding poem to her and read a special letter?

Could I have sat peacefully and quietly by her side?

Or prayed to make her better?

Artist Statement:

As a Christian, I stand boldly upon God’s Word as follows, “Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” ~ Ephesians 6:13– 17.

Strongly, I believe in God’s armor of protection and covering over me throughout my Christian journey of creating Christian poetry. Ultimately, God’s purpose for me is to praise Him and inspire other believers and nonbelievers. His promises empower me to run this race with confidence, and endurance. Certainly, these empowering fundamentals are essential to destroy the enemy that wars against me - as I passionately continue to speak courageously of His goodness and mercy crafted within poetics. As I endure to stand firmly upon God’s Word, I will not be in fear regarding the battle, knowing He has encompassed me with His whole armor. My desire is to make a positive difference within this negative world for His Glory which dwells throughout my lyrics of Creative Writing in Christian Poetry.


Mary Missouri & Creative Writing Nonfiction Group

Master of Arts in Creative Writing/Genre: Poetry/Specialization: Christian Poetry, Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, Florida (currently enrolled). Anticipated graduation date: August, 2018.

Master of Science in Education/Specialization: Professional Studies in Education,Capella University, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, Florida.

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