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Two Poems by Edilson Afonso Ferreira: "Praise" and "Gratitude"



In cathedrals and churches,

abbeys and convents;

in the small chapels on the top of the mountains;

in pilgrimages and spiritual retreats

and in the rooms of those who are secluded in house

and cannot leave anymore;

in the sound of the wind that cradles and pushes us

and in the rain that washes and makes us grow;

even in the mute silence of the hidden seed in the womb of earth,

that knows and expects its time to join our world;

everything and everyone congregates at the sacred Te Deum

in honor and glory to the Spirit of our common Creator.

Salvific chant we are never tired of,

truth that redeems and gives us strength

on the journey to Canaan, the promised land

where pours the milk and honey.


Who watches over my sleep?

Who prevents me from falling off bottomless cliffs?

Who keeps my cold and disconsolate heart beating,

after its daily hardships, usual unavoidable clashes?

Who enlightens my spirit, shielding it from the world’s rust?

Who embraces my soul, caresses and puts her to rest,

sovereign and survivor from the evil-wants of life?

Who breathes on me new life when I wake up,

ready to work, pursue treasures and fame,

play, laugh, love and sing?

It is my Lord, since the beginning of my days,

always backing me, so weak a vassal, to fulfill,

among dear fellow ones, my mission on Earth.


Edilson Ferreira

Mr. Ferreira is a Brazilian poet who writes in English rather than Portuguese. Recent works have appeared in Red Wolf Journal, Right Hand Pointing, Creative Talents Unleashed (Featured Poet), Indiana Voice Journal, The Lake, Young Ravens, Whispers, Every Day Poems, Dead Snakes, The Basil O’Flaherty (Featured Poet), among others. Ferreira lives in a small town with wife, three sons and a granddaughter and, unhurried, is collecting his works for a forthcoming book. He began to write at age 63 (nine years ago), after retirement as a Bank Manager. See more of his poems at

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