Waiting for Dawn
Silky webs stretching in sunrise
Capture foggy mist.
Diamonds on string
Worn by sagging telephone line
Delicate prayers splayed
In lacy beauty.
Earth declaring glory,
In most unusual places
Kingdom whispers
Woven by eight tiny legs
In dark of night while
Waiting for dawn
Driving with the Windows Down
Delicious wind
Blowing between little
Spread wide.
Grasping what can’t
Be caught
Unseen Forces
Animate and move
Hand in
Haphazard flow.
Forward, backward
Up, down.
Reminds me of
My soul.
~Rebekah Lorton

Rebekah Lorton is an incorrigible observer of the mundane, finding inspiration in the most unlikely places. She resides in Northern Alabama and finds joy in her faith, her family, and nature. She has several poems that appear in various journals, but her favorite poems are the rhyming ones made on the spot with her kiddos.