Looking for Good News: new issue of Spirit Fire Review
Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music
I Know a Place: a poem by Janice Canerdy
The Youngest Wise Man: a poem by Guy Sudano
Christmas at Home / Noël de Chez Nous: poem by Roodly Laurore
Hoarfrost Trees: photos, poem, and nonfiction by Michael Shoemaker
Two Poems by Ron Riekki
Amos Gives Financial Advice: essay by Paul Lewellan
His Pond: two poems by Wendy Jean MacLean
Empty Cider Bottles: two poems by Mykyta Ryzhykh
Did You Know Jesus? Poetry, nonfiction, and photos, by Laura Deschenes
Coincidence and Homeless Rabbits: personal narrative by Erin Fanning
The Reason for Our Hope: by Ruth C. Goodman
Twenty Minutes of Special: poetry by Mike R. Hall
Unity of Spirit in Marriage: essay by Yevgeniya Przhebelskaya
Unfaltering: artwork by Michael Moreth
Death Deferred: a poem by James A. Tweedie
Prepared: a poem by Jordan Zuniga
Chef Willing: two poems by Joe Bisicchia
Hope Is an Anchor: song by Joy Nevin Axelson
drink offering, 2 Samuel 23:15-17: poem and artwork by Isabel Chenot