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Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music


Poetry by Veronica Michalowski: "Givers" and "Keith"
Copyright, Veronica Michalowski November 7, 2016 Written about her father, Peter Paul Michalowski July 24, 1917 – November 26, 2000 Photo...
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A Poem by Peter C. Venable: "2-18-78"
2-18-78 A childhood Bible fossilized in a cinder-block bookcase between The Whole Earth Catalogue, Man’s Search for Meaning, and a...
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A Poem by Renee’ Drummond-Brown: "Gore"
Gore I know ‘twas the blood. I know ‘twas the blood. Father, forgive me please. Trouble in my way. Like Judas I gotta hide sometimes, 30...
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Poetry by Blanca Alicia Garza: "Miss Me at Sunset", "Oasis of Love"
Miss Me at Sunset When I'm forever gone, bury me between the lyrics of your most beautiful poem so I'll never be forgotten. When I'm...
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Editorial: Best of the Net Nominations and a Cento Poem "A Pebble like Wisdom"
Best of the Net. Sounds impressive. Do we dare hope that works found in Spirit Fire Review can be included? Sure, why not? We sent in our no
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Spirit Fire Review: Best of the Net 2017 Nominations
Spirit Fire Review is pleased to announce their nominations for the Sundress Publications Best of the Net 2017 Anthology! Congratulations...
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August 2017, Issue #11
WELCOME TO OUR ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY ISSUE! We hope you read, share, and are deeply inspired by the writings and illustrations in this issue.
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Editorial by Cindy Bousquet Harris: Happy Anniversary to Us All!
Happy Anniversary to Us All! As the one year anniversary of Spirit Fire Review approaches, I’m thrilled at the variety and talent in the peo
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A Call to Love: "I Speak to the Sound of My Cry" by Elizabeth Brooks
I Speak to the Sound of My Cry I speak to the sound of my cry and try to stifle it inside but the sound has pain of its own; unable to...
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A Poem by Sharon Hawley: "Seder"
Seder Table set with metaphor blood and flesh wine and bread unleavened baked scroll of ancient words curling parsley, bitter herbs ...
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A Poem by Ken Allan Dronsfield: "Earth Cries-Heaven Smiles"
Earth Cries - Heaven Smiles White rose petals gently fall floating down to bare ground lilacs open inhaling the sun essences of both waft ab
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Three Poems by Scott Thomas Outlar: "When Fire Meets Flesh", "Igniting Intention"
When Fire Meets Flesh There is holiness in the heat that pours through the sky with beams of light from heaven. This sun is no fireball of h
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A Poem by Kai Coggin: "Good Friday"
good friday this morning I am going to focus on the sun how it paints the leaves in bright yellow before it settles into sky a chipmunk just
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A Poem by Edilson Ferreira: "The Voice Within"
A Poem by Edilson Ferreira: The Voice Within- There is a voice that never stops speaking, no one hears it, but me. It talks to me wherever I
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Two Poems by Sanjeev Sethi: "Face to Face" and "Beat"
Face to Face (1) Vise of worldly snares, when one’s mural is mosaic of messiness, or one’s filly is in forefront, it’s time to seek an...
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Visual Art/Photography by Kahlil Crawford
Kahlil Crawford is a co-editor and contributor to Synchronized...
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A Poem by Surbhi Anand: "Choose Your Name"
"Choose your name" Wash your lime, peel yourself Be blue gem Never be in hot pursuit O blunt, lopsided smile! Your spirit has must
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Spirit Fire Review: June 2017, Issue #10
Welcome to the new issue of Spirit Fire Review! We hope the stories, poetry, and visuals delight, bless, and encourage you as you visit...
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A Poem by Bruce Owens
I enter the woods and trespass through the quiet gates I see my life in one leaf as it falls through the light and I go about...
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Two Poems by JD DeHart: "Master" and "Sand Castle"
Master I am master of the foundless worry, and so these concerns try to master me, a long history of chains formed hypothetically in my...
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