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Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music


Four Poems by Martina Gallegos: "Lord, You Stayed With Me", "A Living Miracle"
LORD, YOU STAYED WITH ME Like a loyal friend, you stayed with me when life hung by a thread. You gave me strength to carry on when I was...
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Testimony by Ernie Jones: "The Midnight Call"
THE MIDNIGHT CALLÂ Â The ringing telephone shattered the quietness of the night. Fear wrapped around me as I listened, for who would call in t
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Poetry by Elizabeth Brooks: "Unashamed"
Unashamed They hiss and wag their heads unknowing but clearly visible through opaline glass panels, not luminous incapable of producing...
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Poetry: Two Poems by Joan McNerney
Questions Who composed this cosmic puzzle sifting through dark dominions from the empty before? What ignited the blackness with swinging...
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A Poem by Elizabeth Brooks: Needles and Pins
Needles and Pins Pins & Needles not in my hands, feet or body but in my spirit. I open my eyes, I am wound up with a tortured soul. Who...
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Music: Joe Taylor and the Sons of Thunder
"SMILE" Joe Taylor and the Sons of Thunder-Band Photographs-Meet the guys behind the music! Learn more about Joe Taylor and the Sons of...
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Editorial News
A new journal. What’s so special about that? Well, this journal’s goal is to glorify God. Doubters welcome, seekers welcome, believers,...
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Two Poems by Richard Manly Heiman
"Yew Tree" Photograph by Richard Heiman Old Growth There's a fog round the yew tree. As if the mists of Hag's Head could rise sudden from...
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Three Poems by JD DeHart: "Words of My Mouth", "Multi", and "Builders"
Words of My Mouth I have been taught to let my words be acceptable, these arbitrary curlings of ink and sound, why would I shape them to...
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A Memoir by Elizabeth Brooks: "An Empty Chair at the Table"
An Empty Chair at the Table Cosmopolitan Trinidad and Tobago, my homeland, had achieved a milestone and became an Independent nation....
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Two Poems by Nicholas Froumis: "Not Yet" and "Shame"
Not Yet The words are spoken so easily to our children, another delayed promise or perhaps an attempt to buy time. But the requests only...
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Three Poems by Donal Mahoney: "OMG", "Bell and Star" and "At Traffic Stops
OMG Seeing is believing smart people often tell me but no one ever told me believing is seeing except this blind lady I help across the...
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Two Poems by Marcia (Durant) Conover: "My Prayer" and "Wings of an Angel"
My Prayer Today my mind was filled with sad layers As I listened to friends in need of some prayers Some I have known for quite a long...
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A Poem by Sanjeev Sethi: "Persuasion"
PERSUASION Panglossian in piety will assuage by offering you its clutch of courage when tentacles of truth plague. That is a function of...
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A Poem by Scott Thomas Outlar: "Expansive Salvation"
Expansive Salvation In the beginning… God’s tongue let loose with the word Love, and darkness gave way to Light as the shine of source...
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A Testimony by Janine Pickett: " When God Sent His Butterflies"
When God Sent His Butterflies My family thought I was crazy for believing in a supernatural God who loves them. All they'd ever known was...
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Two Poems by Tamsen Grace: "The Secret to My Strength"; The Gift of Love"
The Secret to My Strength You silenced my song, Tried to take away my voice. Like Delilah to Samson you wanted to discover the secret to...
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A Poem by Donal Mahoney: "All Aboard"
All Aboard Next to me on the train going home to the suburbs is another guy stuck in a suit reading his paper, a normal-looking guy who...
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A Poem by Daginne Aignend: "Lost Soul"
Lost Soul The mirror of my soul Appears to be faint Hidden in shadows Coloured by bleak paint The shining light Of my spirit is...
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A Poem by Lynda McKinney Lambert: "The 23rd Psalm for the Artist"
The 23rd Psalm for the Artist Lord, you are the mentor and patron who watches over me and gives me inspiration, guidance, and support as...
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