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Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music
Two Poems by JD DeHart: Parable Mountain, and Child
Parable Mountain I call to you in my high places where it is easy to forget your name. I call to you in lower places, where the...
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An Essay by JD DeHart: "Incorporating the Bible as Literature"
Incorporating the Bible as Literature Discussing religion in public schools can involve occasional tension. The role of Christian...
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Two Poems by JD DeHart: "Promise" and "Rock"
Promise I can’t promise you that where you go will be easy that there will be a comfortable chair, kind people, or a system that works...
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A Poem by JD DeHart: "Amplified"
Amplified Hello, Father. Quick question: Does a loss amplify the sounds of life, bring all emotions into greater magnitude -...
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Two Poems by JD DeHart: "Master" and "Sand Castle"
Master I am master of the foundless worry, and so these concerns try to master me, a long history of chains formed hypothetically in my...
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Two Poems by JD DeHart: "Visiting Again", and "Prerogatives"
Visiting Again I don't care any more about the rejection of ten years ago. I'm revisiting some of those voices who spoke to me, list
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Spirit Fire Review: February 2017, Issue #7
JD DeHart, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Shola Balogun, Donal Mahoney, Romaine Washington, Prerna Bakshi, Peter Venable
Junior M
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Three Poems by JD DeHart: "Mother Lion", "Tree of Life", and "Will"
Mother Lion Desert God, Yahweh, whose paws carved a nation whose wings and winds whirled across vast plains on incomprehensible history...
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Three Poems by JD DeHart: "Words of My Mouth", "Multi", and "Builders"
Words of My Mouth I have been taught to let my words be acceptable, these arbitrary curlings of ink and sound, why would I shape them to...
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