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Tuesday Tips: Let It Flow

Updated: Sep 10, 2022

flow of the sea, image by Quang Nguyen vinh, on Pixabay

One of the toughest things for me as a writer is to keep from editing

while I’m composing. I want to get it just right, and if I change that

word, cross out that part, rearrange these, etc...

But if I do all those things (which I’m struggling with as I write this)

while trying to express what the work needs to express, what happens

to my focus or the passion of the writing?

Give yourself permission to “just write,” let it pour; at this point,

it doesn’t matter if it makes sense or something’s misspelled or

out of order. Use this as an opportunity to go “deeper” or “further”

in your writing.

The Mulberry Bird, by Anne Braff Brodzinsky, is a beautiful book

about a mother bird struggling to care for her baby all alone; when

the baby almost dies in a storm, the mother finally chooses to place

it with a flock of other birds where it will be safe.

I could say the book is well-written, has lovely illustrations, and

portrays reasons a mother might decide on adoption: all true. But

if I let you know that my husband and I adopted our kids, and that

I can’t read the story out loud without crying, we’ve gone to a

much deeper level.

Too much editing while composing can interfere with the heart of

your message. You can tackle the editing later. But first, let it flow.


blue flow, image by Jan Mesaros, on Pixabay

These tips may be geared more toward writers, but we also welcome

submissions from artists, including musicians and photographers.

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