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Come to Me

statue of Christ the Redeemer, image by Andreluiz Cunha, on Pixabay

Come to Me Come as you are

Ego behind you I look Upon the heart Gaze on Me I made each flower In the Book It is written of Me I do this for you I give My life That you May have peace I stand at your door And knock My hands were pierced For you The Master came to serve In humility Listen to My Still small voice I shed my Blood As an offering The bowl of My body Broken My perfection Will suffice Everlasting is my love And my devotion I prepare a table for you Ask you simply to believe I have poured My heart for you

Scripture references:

Matthew 11:28-29, 1 Samuel 16:7, Hebrews 10:7,

Revelation 3:20, John 10:18, Mark 10:45, 1 Kings 19:13,

Luke 22:19-20, Jeremiah 31:3, Psalm 23:5

(This poem is a response to a poem written by a friend of mine

about the Japanese tea ceremony.)

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