image by Sofia_Shultz_Photography, on Pixabay, modified
An Affair with Love
They were not a young couple
with a love of lust,
but elderly,
with a lust of love.
Do you know the difference?
Somewhere personality exposed itself,
imagination, creativity, intellect,
a theology of together—
two talking heads waking together,
snow falling outside,
the temperature falling from 50 to 6 below,
a wraparound wind,
neither one so uncomfortable they need to turn on the furnace.
Whew—that was a long line.
A lust for love,
not a love of lust.
Thirty years of marriage.
It does get better.
Michael H. Brownstein's latest volumes of poetry, A Slipknot to Somewhere Else (2018)
and How Do We Create Love (2019) were both published by Cholla Needles Press.