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Creation Once Groaned: poem by Zachary Zolty

Abstract art, a pit, an abyss, with stalagmites and stalactites, greens and purples in the dark, image by Sergio Cerrato--Italia, on Pixabay, modified.

pit, abstract, image by Sergio Cerrato--Italia, on Pixabay

Totality is no longer weeping, creation once groaned,

the hunger of creation is sated by the redemption

of the Cross, the second Adam has destroyed the gates,

blasting the doors of Hades wide open. You have lifted me

from the pit.

(Bible references: 1 Corinthians 15:20-27, 44-55,

Romans 5:15-17, Romans 6:23, Psalm 103:4, and Jonah 2:6)


Zachary Zolty is a theology graduate student.

He is pursuing a Master’s degree in Religion,

and his interests include Eastern Orthodoxy

and activism.

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