broken wall, image by 露丝 沈 (Sureser) on Pixabay
Short Is Life
Life is short and short is life that we have been gifted.
Let go of egotistic plots that bring no human value.
We must forgive with quickness of our beating heart.
Take in the world with caution, skepticism, and slowly.
Let our love be truer to the intended mark of care.
Love boldly in the span between life’s sunrise and sunset.
Then loudly laugh at life’s precious moments with joy.
Don’t allow anything to take your smile away from your face.
Life is short and short is life that we have been gifted.
Breaking the Cycle
Release desires of becoming bitter so you can act
from your love, not your pain.
Commit to being better than the hurt and harm you
healed from.
Grow larger than the ones who caused your life to
experience pain and misery.
Become the ones you needed in your recovery when
you were hurting.
For those who tried to shame you, deliver unto them
much-needed compassion.
To them that rejected you in need, you can be
accepting to their plight.
When judged by the minds of others,
choose to understand their hearts.
Be the person who sees the future path
and break the cycle today.
Heal Me, Oh Lord
Heal me from me, oh Lord, for I am broken.
I stepped on my heart to get back at someone
and now I can’t feel a beat.
When I kicked that person, I broke and
crippled my own toes.
As I tried to trip them, I fell upon my eyes
into blindness.
I didn’t want to hear them and went out in the cold
and froze my eardrums.
My inside is twisted and painful as I walk from injuries
caused to me by me.
I just can’t get settled into a better frame of mind
to restore my lost self.
Heal me from me, oh Lord, for I am broken.

Rolyat Mosi (his pen name) navigates
the creative world of collective words
aimed at the inside of the mind. Although
he has a Master’s degree in Economic Management, in retirement he has pulled
back from his business-related writing
and returned to his desired writing:
creative writing, including short stories,
prose, and poetry.