(bird singing, image by Abbie Paulhus, on Pixabay)
Meditation on Psalm 27:1-6
(a “reformulated” poem)
The Lord is my salvation and my light.
I need not walk in fear since being saved
because He protects my flesh and gives me courage.
My enemies stumble and fail, running in fright.
As I walk through this world I sing
a new song—for He has made me confident.
This new song rises within me in the dark night, and I am secure.
As I meditate on God’s Word, I begin to see a light.
When days of trouble come, I remember His salvation
and the night He came to change my heart.
I am hidden in a secret place where there is no fear
and in this secret place I begin to sing.
I shout with joy as I am lifted, and I sing.
In His secret place I am hidden away and not afraid,
singing songs of praise as I pass from darkness to light.
Despite all the powers of hell, the Lord saved me,
He hides me in the secret place of His protection,
He conceals me from trouble and removes fearfulness.
When I call upon Him, he rescues me.
He is a shield for me and lifts me as I sing.
In the sadness of many circumstances, I can be assured.
When all about me is darkness, He brings light.
Yes, the Lord Himself is my light and my salvation,
He calms my trembling heart.
As I sing praises, joy fills my spirit,
A joy that cannot dwell in a place of fear.
In the secret place of His tent, all anxieties must leave as I sing.
I offer praise in songs and in that place, I dwell in safety,
Darkness flees to reveal the Lord of Light,
I am lifted onto solid rock by the God of my life.
He is the defender, and He brings hope
into a weak, fainting soul
that was besieged by terrors and distress.
He taught me a new song to sing—
He gave me a reason to be confident.

Lynda McKinney Lambert is the author of Concerti: Psalms for the Pilgrimage; Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems; first snow (a poetry chapbook);
Star Signs: New and Selected Poems; and Songs
for the Pilgrimage, a collection of poems and stories. Her books are available at Smashwords, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, Bookshop.org, NLS/BARD, and Amazon. You can visit her website
October 2023 Issue
I love this! Especially, "and in this secret place I begin to sing." Praise the Lord!