image by Terri Sharp, on Pixabay, modified
Thanks Giving
In the early morning quiet,
I sit, expectant as in Quaker meeting,
attentive to Spirit within.
I listen for daily gratitudes
to come forth, awaiting acknowledgment.
I name these five small joys or
unexpected glimpses of grace:
my guide dog asleep with his head on my lap,
the mug of hot coffee my arthritic hands can still hold,
a friend’s ongoing recovery from multiple surgeries,
that I can hear a bird chirp on my windowsill,
and the Divinity that grounds me every day.
I need no special day set aside
to offer up thanks when
I can count all days as holy
for the blessings they provide.

A poet and book reviewer, Sally Rosenthal is the author of
Peonies in Winter: A Journey Through Loss, Grief and Healing.
November 2024 issue
I love "five small joys" and "I can count all days as holy."