Christmas ornament, image by Elstef, on Pixabay
The Reason for Our Hope
This is a time to reflect on how much God loves us. He saw the hurt and flaws in humanity,
and sent us a Savior, Immanuel, God with us! We rejoice in His birth, His sinless life and
death, and His resurrection. Because He lives, we too can live forever with Him!
Oh, how we need to be reminded that our hope is in the Lord, Who gave Himself for us.
Joy and grief, the ups and downs of life, this is reality. And yet, we can rejoice in God’s faithfulness. He is with us through all the challenges of life.
Whatever hurts we may experience in this life, God’s love is there to comfort us, to hold us fast, to remind us that this life is going to pass quickly, but when this life is finished, our time with Him will just begin.
At all times of the year, and especially at this season, how thankful we are that “…God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
We pray that you will know how much God loves you. “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” we read in Colossians 1:27. This is the message of Christmas and the reason for our hope.

Ruth Goodman has a Bachelor’s degree in Christian education/music and a Master’s
degree in church music. She teaches private music lessons and is a guest teacher
and piano accompanist for local schools. Her husband, Craig, has worked with
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) for forty years. MAF’s mission is to share the love
of Christ with isolated people. If you are interested in supporting their ministry, contact:
(December 2023 issue)
Such a sincere, beautiful presentation of the gospel. Praise the Lord!