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Two Poems by Douglas J. Lanzo

Photo: sunburst sky of yellow and gold, plus bits of blue and purple, with rays of sunlight streaming down diagonally to the right and to the left, silhouetting a bare tree with slender branches, image by Glegle, on Pixabay, modified.

image by Glegle, on Pixabay

Hearts of Joy Magnified



As solo flutist played

at morning church service

an uplifting melody,

I reflected upon

how I found myself drawn

to its pure, simple beauty…


An ensemble of three,

with strings plucked merrily,

sweetened background to its play.


Yet what I felt most plain,

through the verse and refrain,

was the joy in hearts displayed—

each note echoed above,

praising God for His love,

by angelic hosts arrayed.





Fallen Heroes Shining Above



To all of you

we know by name,

yet whose faces

lie below,

who buzzed the air

or sailed the sea

or manned ridgelines

in the snow;

Who flew so high

or kissed the depths

of deep valleys


who crossed trenches

and braved shrapnel

to push back

the enemy;


We only saw

your silhouettes

when God called you

to His reign,

freeing your souls

from bonds of earth

amidst courage

and great pain;

When we behold

the brightest light


from above,

we feel you still

in strands of warmth,

the sun pulsing

with your love.


Douglas J. Lanzo, an award-winning poet and novelist, has had 372 poems find homes in 66 literary journals and 7 anthologies across the U.S., Canada, Caribbean, England, Wales, Austria, Mauritius, India, Japan, and Australia.  Doug’s debut novel, The Year of the Bear, won several literary awards, including Ames 2023 Best YA Book of the Year. His second book, an Army Ranger romance suspense novella, will be released by Ambassador International in April.  Doug resides in Chevy Chase, Maryland, with

his wife and twin sons and fellow internationally published poets, enjoying nature, tennis, fishing, and chess. His author’s website is located at

March 2024 issue

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Mar 29, 2024

Beautiful touching poems. I'm especially touched by the poem "Fallen Heroes Shining Above."

"we feel you still

in strands of warmth"


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