dragonfly, photo by Mark Weinrich
The dragonfly poses for me
revealing the fire-play of its life.
I’m stunned by the neon flow
in the vein-mesh of its wings
like coals ready to ignite.
God’s creative majesty
dazzles like a priceless jewel,
but a diamond has never
pulsed with breath.
It’s hard to imagine
this magnificent creature
inhabiting a pond, spending
years as a lowly nymph.
Yet now its airy presence
blazes like sunrise
if only for a few days
or weeks.
Lord, I am envious of its
firework by day, for I know
Your Spirit can flame
a passion in me,
so the precious days
or years I have left
will burn for You.
And even after,
let my embers glow
to warm or light another’s life
in Christ.
Reflection in His Eyes
In the secret place
with all the world behind,
I imagine myself praying
in the hollow of His hand.
My inner eyes gaze upward,
longing for a glimpse
of His eyes—
eyes radiant with compassion,
eyes that moved
our Lord to action.
I look not
for my reflection
but for faces
mirrored in His eyes;
those with the greatest needs
those for whom
His heart is aching.
What Birds and Angels Know
His whisper soft,
soft as breath
breathed on wings
feathers flowing
lifted upward,
daring all below
to rise, receive
what birds and
angels know.
Reach by faith
with spirit wings
wait and hear
His whisper soft,
soft as breath
gently leading,
gently lifting up…
(Previously published in Silver Wings)
When all worldly wisdom has breathed its last,
When time is forever called the past.
When all of earth’s treasures crumble to dust,
When all of man’s pride has spoiled as rust.
One truth will reign in unchanging hours,
One timeless truth with unbreakable power.
One faithful promise for each, every day,
Not one of His words will pass away.
The heartbeat of heaven pulses through life,
And I’m trusting the precious words of Christ.
Nothing can weaken the strength of His grace.
Nothing can sever His loving embrace.

Mark Weinrich is a cancer survivor,
a retired pastor, hiker, photographer,
and musician. His work has been
published in numerous newsstand,
literary, and inspirational publications.
He has sold eight children’s books
and currently has two fantasy novels
on Kindle.
What a beautiful collection of poems. I have shared this on my FB page today. Beautiful photo as well.