Trust, written in the sand, image by Lisa Caroselli, on Pixabay
Who God Is
Awesome creator
Bringing good news to everyone
Compassionate to those who are in need
Deliverer of those who are oppressed
Encourager to those who are weary and facing heavy burdens
Faithful to all His children
God is His name
He is mighty
Immovable and trustworthy
Jehovah-Jireh, the great provider
King of the highest
Loving and forgiving
Maker of the universe
Never gets tired of listening to all our prayers
Open to take all our problems and complaints
Provides protection at all times
Quick to listen and slow to anger
Righteous in all His ways
Savior of my soul
True to all His promises
Understanding even when we make mistakes
Victorious and powerful
Worthy of all my praise
Xenial attitude to all His children.
You are omnipotent,
Zealous God.

Janet C. Tabora is a poet with multiple disabilities. As the youngest of eight children,
she was born and raised in the Philippines and now lives in Stockton, California. She is
a Christian and will be a student at Sacramento State University in the fall as a Computer Science /Programming major. Her hobbies are writing, reading, and listening to music.
In addition to being a poet, Janet writes essays and, in her spare time, enjoys writing in journals, especially her prayers. She loves reading mysteries, science fiction, and short stories. Besides wanting to become a computer scientist, she enjoys sharing her life story as a person with multiple disabilities to inspire others and to make her father proud.
“God bless to all.”
November 2024 issue
Wonderful praises to God: "Encourager to those who are weary...
Immovable and trustworthy... True to all His promises... Worthy of all my praise."