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Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music
Attitude and Atmosphere: personal narrative by Janine Pickett
standing in line, image by aykapog, on Pixabay The Attitude We Carry and the Words We Speak Create Our Atmosphere It's true. We carry a...
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Testimony/Essay: "A Way in the Wilderness"
A Way in the Wilderness Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the...
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An Essay by JD DeHart: "Incorporating the Bible as Literature"
Incorporating the Bible as Literature Discussing religion in public schools can involve occasional tension. The role of Christian...
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Testimony/Essay by Stacey Louiso: "The Remnant -Women Wielding Swords"
The Remnant - Women Wielding Swords “Destroyers are come upon all the bare heights in the wilderness; for the sword of Jehovah devoureth...
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A Call to Love by Elizabeth Brooks: "Prodigal Child"
PRODIGAL CHILD REMEMBER THERE IS NO DAWN WITHOUT A NIGHT! No matter how human beings try, they cannot shed their skin of origin. They...
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Essay by Don Lane: "A Gift of the Spirit and a Software App"
God calls us to do great works for Him. Then He gives us what we need to accomplish what He wants us to do. In my case, God gave me a...
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An Essay by Donal Mahoney: "Call a Priest, My Father Said"
Call a Priest, My Father Said My father never talked much about religion but he went to Mass every Sunday, the 6:30 Mass where few people...
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Testimony/Essay by Stacey Louiso: “Singing From Hallelujah to Hallelujah”
“Singing From Hallelujah to Hallelujah” A movement of music can become so deeply embedded into the hearts of both an audience and those...
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Testimony/Essay by Diane Quick-Machaby: "Tragic Accident With A Happy Ending"
Tragic Accident With A Happy Ending I've heard many times through the years, "It’s always in God's time, not mine." In this story you...
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Essay by Don Lane: "Who God Created You to Be"
Who God Created You to Be Have you ever looked into the mirror with thoughts dancing around in your head about how nice it would be if...
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Spirit Fire Review|Seeking Poetry, Essays, Artwork, Music and Testimonies
We are currently accepting submissions for poetry, testimonies, essays, visual/prophetic art, and music. Please visit the website for...
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Testimony by Ernie Jones: "The Midnight Call"
THE MIDNIGHT CALL The ringing telephone shattered the quietness of the night. Fear wrapped around me as I listened, for who would call in t
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A Memoir by Elizabeth Brooks: "An Empty Chair at the Table"
An Empty Chair at the Table Cosmopolitan Trinidad and Tobago, my homeland, had achieved a milestone and became an Independent nation....
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A Testimony by Janine Pickett: " When God Sent His Butterflies"
When God Sent His Butterflies My family thought I was crazy for believing in a supernatural God who loves them. All they'd ever known was...
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A Call to Love: "Freedom Fighters"
Freedom Fighters We were kindred spirits, part of a group of freedom fighters, librarians who fought with integrity for our community. We...
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Essay by Lynda McKinney Lambert: "Prologue: in which I Knit a Life Back Together"
Prologue: in which I Knit a Life Back Together It seems to me that I have always known the joy of making things with my hands. From my...
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Essay by Donal Mahoney: "Believe it or What?"
Believe It Or What? He doesn’t have to prove anything to me. The Holy Spirit, that is. I’ve always known He’s there, from childhood on,...
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Essay By Elizabeth Brooks: "Celebrating Life and Human Dignity: A Call to Love"
CELEBRATING LIFE AND HUMAN DIGNITY: A CALL TO LOVE At the Core My first impression in the parking lot was a sense of being on foreign...
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