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Editorial: Changes

ships, image by Volker Glätsch, on Pixabay

Dear friends,

Janine Pickett, the founding editor of Spirit Fire Review, has given me the “green light” to expand my role to editor-in-chief. Janine deserves much credit as she was the one who had the idea for Spirit Fire Review, began it, established it, and has worked hard to make this a journal that glorifies God.

Janine has expressed being very busy with family responsibilities and that she’s not able to spend as much time on Spirit Fire Review as she would like. She’s been so gracious allowing me to work with the journal, and very supportive as we make these changes.

We’ve gotten used to “bouncing” ideas off each other, and I’m happy to report that she still plans to be involved. (Who knows, maybe she’ll even

let us use another of her abstract fluid paintings?)

Thank you for your support, your prayers, and your submissions. Join us in helping Spirit Fire Review continue to be a journal where faith is welcomed and expressed, a journal that glorifies God.



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