Gargantuan Universe
birthed from the mouth
of light
That light found
the entire sky
one supermassive
window of darkness
the individual One
provided the energy
(A “found poem” from the article “83 Gargantuan Black Holes Spotted Guzzling Down
Dinner at the Edge of the Universe”, by Stephanie Pappas, on Space.com, 3/19/19)
John C. Mannone has poems appearing/accepted in the 2020 Antarctic Poetry
Exhibition, North Dakota Quarterly, The Menteur, Blue Fifth Review, Poetry South,
Baltimore Review, and others. His poetry won the Impressions of Appalachia Creative
Arts Contest (2020). He was awarded a Jean Ritchie Fellowship (2017) in Appalachian
literature and served as celebrity judge for the National Federation of State Poetry
Societies (2018). His latest of three collections, Flux Lines: The Intersection of Science,
Love, and Poetry, is forthcoming from Linnet’s Wings Press (2020). He edits poetry for
Abyss & Apex and other journals. A retired physics professor, he lives near Knoxville,
Tennessee. http://jcmannone.wordpress.com