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From sight to faith: poems by Jordan Zuniga

Photo: golden clouds with an open area in the midst, image by Gerd Altman, on Pixabay, modified.

the heavens, image by Gerd Altman

From sight to faith.

When I was down in the midst of sin,

Trapped by iniquities I reveled in,

I trusted the lies of the world,

Never looked at my wretched heart within.

But it pleased you to reveal your salvation,

And to declare the battle is won,

When you showed your grace, by faith alone

In your beloved and only Son.


The glory of the Lord of the heavenly hosts.

Great and faithful are you, the Lord, the Lord God,

Who sits enthroned—angels sing of your glory—

Whose very Word sustains creation throughout heaven and earth,

He whose promises are of sovereign and eternal worth.

Who commands the armies of heaven—in you they make their boast—

Praise be to the God of gods, the King of kings, the Lord of the heavenly hosts!

Praises be to the Lord, who knows the proud from afar,

But hears the cry of the lowly and the humble wherever they are,

Who so loved the world that He sent his Son,

He has the victory, the battle is won!

Great and faithful are you, the Lord, my God,

Whose presence goes from the highest heavens,

To the depths of the vaults of the sea,

Whose very rule reigns sovereign,

Over every authority.

Who conquered the kingdom of darkness and shatters the powers of hell,

Praises be to the Prince of peace, the King, Emmanuel!

Praises be to the Lord, who knows the proud from afar,

But hears the cry of the lowly and the humble wherever they are,

Who so loved the world that He sent his Son,

He has the victory, the battle is won!

Though I tread upon the earth in health or painful strife,

Let my lips boast of your praise and the gift of eternal life.

Praises be to the Lord, who knows the proud from afar,

But hears the cry of the lowly and the humble wherever they are,

Who so loved the world that He sent his Son,

He has the victory, the battle is won!

May Lord Jesus Christ have all the glory!


Jordan Zuniga is a Christian poet, devotional, and creative writer. His work has been published in numerous journals, including Christian Devotions, The Upper Room, The Agape Review, Clay Jar Review, and The Penwood Review. He enjoys studying the Bible and theology, honoring his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with his creativity, playing clarinet, and competitive gaming. He

is seeking representation from a literary agent to pursue traditional publication. You can contact him on Instagram and Instagram messenger @cccreativewriter. “My hope and my prayer is to create and worship with an ingenuity and depth that honors the depth of the Creator.”

Ocober 2023 Issue

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"Whose very Word sustains creation throughout heaven and earth." Wow! Amen.


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