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The Last Few Notes: poems by Bobbi Sinha-Morey

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

Field of barley, wispy in grayscale, image by Uschi Dugulin, on Pixabay, modified. Border of very light amethyst.

field of barley, image by Uschi Dugulin, on Pixabay, modified

A Silent Joy

Silent joy trembles so shyly

inside my heart when I rise,

a morning star left just for me;

and, like the waters of a wild

river, I rush outdoors, let

spring’s light follow me.

Today I’ve found the spirit

land inside of me and the wind

has set me free. Above, red-tailed

hawks circle in the sky, the shape

of light trickling through their

feathered tips; and me waiting till

evening sifts through the trees

and sun melts into a flamingo sky.


The Last Few Notes

I woke to a pale lavender

sky when the late afternoon

sun was just over, and I heard

the last few notes of a towhee

before it flew away; me, so

still on my bed after an hour’s

long nap, and just in

time to hear katydids give

the sky its heartbeat. To think

before yesterday’s end I’d been

gazing outdoors upon the snowy

river, yet today is another gift

from the heavens and for the first

time in many years I feel alive,

my rest I take between two deep

breaths, all alone as I choose a thin

dress light as milkweed silk, stroke

the glass petals of a carnation on

my windowsill, dream again at

night of barley, its loveliness

being shaken by the wind.


Bobbi Sinha-Morey's poetry has appeared in

a wide variety of places such as Plainsongs, Pirene's Fountain, The Wayfarer, Helix Magazine, Miller's Pond, The Tau, Vita Brevis, Cascadia Rising Review, Old Red Kimono,

and Woods Reader. Her books of poetry are available at and her work has been nominated for The Best of the Net in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2021, as well as having been nominated for The Pushcart Prize in 2020. Her website is located at this address:

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1 Comment

Sep 08, 2023

These are so beautiful. Especially love:

"...just in

time to hear katydids give

the sky its heartbeat."


"...dream again at

night of barley, its loveliness

being shaken by the wind."


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