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Celebrating God's Goodness through Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Art, and Music


Spirit Fire Review: June 2017, Issue #10
Welcome to the new issue of Spirit Fire Review! We hope the stories, poetry, and visuals delight, bless, and encourage you as you visit...
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A Poem by Bruce Owens
I enter the woods and trespass through the quiet gates I see my life in one leaf as it falls through the light and I go about...
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Two Poems by JD DeHart: "Master" and "Sand Castle"
Master I am master of the foundless worry, and so these concerns try to master me, a long history of chains formed hypothetically in my...
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A Poem by Kimberly Ariel Abreu: "A Tribute to Christ"
A Tribute To Christ God has taken responsibility for our care and worry There's no need to be anxious or always in a hurry You can be...
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Two Poems by Edilson Ferreira: "Past Revisited" and "My Creed"
Past Revisited I have a past that is so mine and no one else’s. They have no notion of misdeeds, even many sins I have perpetrated in it....
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A Poem by Martina Gallegos: "Golden Thoughts"
GOLDEN THOUGHTS The miles your feet have traveled cannot be erased by any tool; the worlds your eyes watched cannot be wiped away; the...
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A Poem by Surbhi Anand: "A smile the sign of peace"
"A smile the sign of peace" I don't know why the people Make the choice of weapons, When only one smile is enough To eliminate...
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Two Poems by Anwer Ghani: "Secret Smile" and "The Coffee Man"
Secret Smile O dreamy bird, show me the secret smile of life. This is my heart stumbles on valley’s sands as a traveler. His foot was...
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A Call to Love by Elizabeth Brooks: "Prodigal Child"
PRODIGAL CHILD REMEMBER THERE IS NO DAWN WITHOUT A NIGHT! No matter how human beings try, they cannot shed their skin of origin. They...
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Essay by Don Lane: "A Gift of the Spirit and a Software App"
God calls us to do great works for Him. Then He gives us what we need to accomplish what He wants us to do. In my case, God gave me a...
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An Essay by Donal Mahoney: "Call a Priest, My Father Said"
Call a Priest, My Father Said My father never talked much about religion but he went to Mass every Sunday, the 6:30 Mass where few people...
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